Financial coaching is a specialized type of coaching that helps people develop financial literacy and money management skills. Bridge Consult offers a short term and long term financial coach which might help you learn to create a budget, talk to your partner about money, or unpack unconscious beliefs that are affecting your spending habits.


  • Save more money: Uncover more ways to save and reach your goals.
  • Get a personalized budget: Manage your spending and see where your money goes.
  • Stay on top of monthly bills: Track and manage your bill from on convenient place
  • Easily track spending: Get an automatic generated spending plan that customizable to your needs.

Goals of financial coaching:

  • Determine your financial goals and create a plan to achieve them.
  • Pay off debt, like loans or credit cards.
  • Learn about personal finance and how to make good money decisions.
  • Raise your credit score for future financial goals, like buying a house or starting a business.
  • Learn what stage of retirement planning you’re in and ensure that you’re on the right path for a financially stable retirement.
  • Build an emergency fund for a rainy day or in case you lose your job.
  • Understand different financial products and which ones make the most sense for you.
  • Drive behavior change by understanding how your money habits and financial life affects other areas of your life.